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Book Mitochondria / Summary & Guidance / Employment / Dynamics / Life / Money / You deserve a better life / Possibilities / Breaking barriers.


Mitochondria, despite being the structures that maintain the life of cells, are also responsible for their destruction if subjected to oxidative stress caused by an inappropriate diet, because mitochondria are the largest source of free radical production in the body when they are not provided with an adequate and quality energy supply through food, breathing, physical exercise and sun exposure.

Mitochondria are organelles of human cells that evolved from ancestral bacteria and started to be transmitted without interruption from generation to generation only from the maternal side and that play an important role both in protecting the cell and also in its destruction.

Knowing that mitochondria originated from structures different from those of the human organism, which have significant similarities with bacteria, which are inherited only by the maternal side, which divide independently from the rest of the cell, which have their own and non-human DNA, and that these small structures found in thousands within each cell and which are the power plants of them and consequently the power plants of the whole organism, makes us think that our biological structure and its functioning was only and is possible because inside the cells there are these organelles, the mitochondria, which bear no resemblance to human genetics. However, there is a paradox in this issue that we will try to resolve in this book and that is found in the fact that the greater the number of mitochondria within a cell, the lower the life expectancy of the animal species in question including the human species, in addition to As well as being the energy producers for the functioning of the organism, mitochondria are also and at the same time the largest producers of free radicals within a cell.

The destruction and aging of a cell and the entire organism begins with mitochondria and our job is to try to find a scientific hypothesis to master them towards a more stable biological energy production, without the uncontrolled formation of free radicals.

Keeping mitochondria functioning in balance is a challenge that many scientists would like to solve because it is the key to maintaining health.

Recent studies of mitochondrial DNA have increased the importance of mitochondria in the role of information transfer (gene transfer) to the rest of the cell.

Mitochondria, which is not even a structure that can be considered to be an original structure of the human species, plays an important role in cellular organization using antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase) to keep the entire state of the cell in balance.

Some details in this book help us to solve part of this puzzle, and these details are the special features of mitochondria, characteristics that only mitochondria have and that have already been described in this book.

It would now be up to the reader to agree or disagree with these ideas because spaces were purposely opened up for reasoning at least regarding the understanding of the biological life of human beings on this planet and how food maintains or destroys this same life.

Our connection with the environment is through food and breathing and we have access to it through movement.

We live working against oxidation and aging in a battle that until now we are losers.

Mitochondria are organelles of human cells that evolved from ancestral bacteria and started to be transmitted from generation to generation only by the maternal part and that play an important role both in protecting the cell and in its destruction.

Some current bacteria that cause diseases such as erysipelas may behave in a more apparent way as mitochondria.

And finally, I tried to address in this book only health-related topics, avoiding comments on subjects related to some type of disease, so as not to focus on the problem, but on their solution. The subjects covered related to diseases were described to understand how it is possible to recover health only by knowing the normal and altered functioning of the mitochondria.

The author does not defend the ideas of evolutionism or creationism through this work, although recognizing that the human species has evolved over the centuries, he believes that there must have been a beginning for the development of life on planet earth, which makes the idea of creationism have a important participation in the origin of life on this planet. This possibility of conclusion, however, is suggested to the reader by describing the evolution of bacteria in mitochondria.

The resources spent on some therapy should return as health care, otherwise it would be a great waste of time and money.


Pay attention to these curiosities about the body's production of energy:


1-The mitochondrial genome is exclusively derived from maternal inheritance. Sperm cells do not contribute their mitochondrial genome to the formation of the cell that will give rise to the embryo.


2-The mitochondria is the only part of the body considered by most scientists as not being of the human species because the DNA found inside is similar to the DNA of a bacterium and not to the DNA of the human being. Studies on the genetic sequencing of mitochondrial DNA confirm the theory of the bacterial origin of mitochondria.


3-Mitochondria divide independently of the rest of the cell.


4-Mitochondria is the most vulnerable part of a cell to oxidative stress


5-The mitochondria is the part of the cell that produces more free radicals.


6-The human organism evolved from the inclusion of ancestral bacteria in its primitive cells and these bacteria later differed into mitochondria that remain today.


7-A clinical condition known as erysipelas when investigated in terms of microscopy demonstrates that the bacteria that cause this disease can occupy a space within cells similar to that of mitochondria, unlike all other bacteria that occupy extracellular spaces.

These intracellular bacteria of erysipelas only cause symptoms such as pain and inflammation when subjected to oxidative stress due to inadequate nutrition.


8-The enzymes SOD2 (superoxide dismutase 2) and SIRT 3,4 and 5 (sirtuins 3,4 and 5) play a fundamental role in maintaining the organic balance and their function together with the movement of protons (chemosmotic theory) inside the mitochondria and the development of these studies could provide the next Nobel Prize in medicine.




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